Source code for migration_docs.core

import collections
import hashlib
import inspect
import os
import pathlib

import click
import django
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import connections
from django.db.migrations import executor as django_migration_executor
from django.db.migrations import loader as django_migration_loader
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
import formaldict
import jinja2
import yaml

from migration_docs import utils

# The default Jinja template for showing migrations
{% for migration in migrations %}
[{% if migration.applied %}X{% else %} {% endif %}] {{ migration.label }}
{% endfor %}

def _get_migration_docs_file_root():
    Get the root path to migration docs configuration files.
    return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".migration-docs")

def _get_migration_docs_file_path(file_name):
    Get the path to a migration docs file.
    return os.path.join(_get_migration_docs_file_root(), file_name)

def _no_msg(msg, fg="green"):
    """A message printer that does nothing"""

def _pretty_msg(msg, fg="green"):
    """A pretty message printer"""
    click.secho(msg, fg=fg)

[docs]class Migration: """A migration and its associated docs. Migrations are typically loaded and accessed via the parent `Migrations` object. When loaded, the Migration has access to core migration attributes (e.g. ``atomic``, ``sql``, etc) and also has attributes for every attribute collected in the documentation schema. For example, if the user configured a ``type`` attribute to be collected in ``.migration-docs/migration.yaml``, it would be accessible as a ``type`` attribute on this object. """ def __init__(self, node, *, executor, loader, docs): self._node = node self._executor = executor self._loader = loader self._docs = docs @property def applied(self): """True if the migration has been applied""" return (self.app_label, in self._loader.applied_migrations @cached_property def hash(self): """The MD5 hash of the migration file""" return hashlib.md5(inspect.getsource(inspect.getmodule(self._node)).encode()).hexdigest() @property def atomic(self): """True if the migration is executed in a transaction""" return self._node.atomic @property def app_label(self): """The Django app label of the migration""" return self._node.app_label @property def name(self): """The name of the migration (e.g. 0001_initial)""" return @property def operations(self): """The raw list of migration operation objects""" return self._node.operations @property def operations_str(self): """String representations of the migration operations""" return [str(operation) for operation in self.operations] @cached_property def sql(self): """The raw SQL for the migration""" if (django.VERSION[0] >= 3 and django.VERSION[1] >= 1) or django.VERSION[0] >= 4: migration_sql_obj = self._loader else: migration_sql_obj = self._executor try: sql_statements = migration_sql_obj.collect_sql([(self._node, False)]) return "\n".join(sql_statements) except Exception as exc: return f'Error obtaining SQL - "{exc}"' @property def label(self): """The unique identifying label of the migration""" return str(self._node) def __str__(self): return self.label def __getattribute__(self, attr): """ Allows migration docs to be accessed as attributes on the Migration or the migration docs. Doing this provides the ability for users to filter Migrations by any documented attribute. """ try: return object.__getattribute__(self, attr) except AttributeError: if self._docs.get(self.label) and attr in self._docs[self.label]: return self._docs[self.label][attr] elif attr in self._docs.schema: return None else: raise
[docs] def set_docs(self, prompt=True, defaults=None): """Set docs about a migration Args: prompt (boolean, default=False): True if collecting data from a user. defaults (dict, default=None): When prompting, use these values as defaults. """ if self.label not in self._docs: self._docs[self.label] = {} self._docs[self.label]["_hash"] = self.hash self._docs[self.label]["atomic"] = self.atomic self._docs[self.label]["sql"] = self.sql if prompt: self._docs[self.label].update(self._docs.schema.prompt(defaults=defaults))
[docs]class Migrations(utils.FilterableUserList): """ A filterable and groupable list of migrations and their associated migration docs. """ def __init__(self, using="default", loader=None, executor=None): connection = connections[using] self._loader = loader or django_migration_loader.MigrationLoader( connection, ignore_no_migrations=True ) self._graph = self._loader.graph self._executor = django_migration_executor.MigrationExecutor(connection) self._docs = MigrationDocs() self._migrations = { str(node): Migration( node, executor=self._executor, loader=self._loader, docs=self._docs, ) for node in self._graph.nodes.values() } # Construct a plan of migrations. Set the ``data`` as the plan so # that this datastructure is a list targets = self._graph.leaf_nodes() = [] seen = set() for target in targets: for migration in self._graph.forwards_plan(target): if migration not in seen: # pragma: no branch # We don't cover the "else" branch of this statement since # our test models dont have complex enough migrations[str(self._graph.nodes[migration])]) seen.add(migration) def __getitem__(self, i): """Allow accessing by list index or migration label""" if isinstance(i, int): return[i] else: return self._migrations[i] def filter_by_missing_docs(self): return self.intersect("label", set(self._migrations) - set(self._docs)) def filter_by_stale_docs(self): labels = [ migration for migration, docs in self._docs.items() if docs is not None and migration in self._migrations and docs["_hash"] != self._migrations[migration].hash ] return self.intersect("label", labels) @property def excess_docs(self): return set(self._docs) - set(self._migrations) def prune_excess_docs(self): for label in self.excess_docs: del self._docs[label]
[docs] def bootstrap_docs(self): """Bootstraps all migration docs to empty values.""" self._docs = MigrationDocs(data={str(node): None for node in self})
class MigrationDocs(collections.UserDict): def __init__(self, data=None, msg=_pretty_msg): """ Represents migration docs as a dictionary. Reads and persists docs as YAML. Args: msg (func): Function for printing messages to the user. data (dict, default=None): Data to use as migration docs. If None, load migration docs from the docs.yaml file. """ self._msg = msg if not data: docs_file = _get_migration_docs_file_path("docs.yaml") try: with open(docs_file, "r") as f: = yaml.safe_load(f) except IOError: = {} except Exception as exc: raise RuntimeError( "django-migration-docs: docs.yaml is corrupt and cannot" " be parsed as YAML. Please fix the" " .migration-docs/docs.yaml file." ) from exc else: = data @cached_property def schema(self): """Loads the migration doc schema If not configured, returns a schema with a point of contact and description for the migration. """ try: with open(_get_migration_docs_file_path("migration.yaml"), "r") as f: schema = yaml.safe_load(f) except IOError: schema = [ { "label": "point_of_contact", "help": "The point of contact for this migration.", }, { "label": "description", "help": "An in-depth description of the migration.", "multiline": True, }, ] except Exception as exc: raise RuntimeError( "django-migration-docs: migration.yaml is corrupt and cannot" " be parsed as YAML. Please fix the" " .migration-docs/migration.yaml file." ) from exc return formaldict.Schema(schema) def save(self): """Save all migration docs Ensure docs are ordered when persisted to keep YAML consistently ordered """ docs_file = _get_migration_docs_file_path("docs.yaml") yaml.Dumper.add_representer( collections.OrderedDict, lambda dumper, data: dumper.represent_mapping(",2002:map", data.items()), ) ordered_docs = collections.OrderedDict( (label, docs) for label, docs in sorted( ) yaml_str = yaml.dump(ordered_docs, Dumper=yaml.Dumper) pathlib.Path(docs_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(docs_file, "w+") as f: f.write(yaml_str)
[docs]def bootstrap(msg=_pretty_msg): """ Bootstrap migration docs with filler values when integrating docs with a project for the first time. Args: msg (func): A message printer for showing messages to the user. Raises: RuntimeError: When migration docs have already been synced """ if MigrationDocs(): raise RuntimeError("Cannot bootstrap when migration docs have already been synced.") Migrations().bootstrap_docs() msg("django-migration-docs: Docs successfully bootstrapped.")
[docs]def sync(msg=_pretty_msg): """ Sync new migrations with the migration docs and prune migrations that no longer exist. Args: msg (func): A message printer for showing messages to the user. """ # Run any configured pre-sync hooks pre_sync_hooks = getattr(settings, "MIGRATION_DOCS_PRE_SYNC_HOOKS", []) if pre_sync_hooks: msg("django-migration-docs: Running pre-sync hooks...") for pre_sync_hook in pre_sync_hooks: msg(pre_sync_hook, fg="yellow") migrations = Migrations() missing_docs = migrations.filter_by_missing_docs() stale_docs = migrations.filter_by_stale_docs() excess_docs = migrations.excess_docs # Collect information for new migrations if missing_docs: msg( "django-migration-docs: Found no docs for" f" {len(missing_docs)} migration(s). Please enter" " more information." ) for migration in missing_docs: msg(f"{migration.label}:", fg="yellow") migration.set_docs() # Update any stale documentation if stale_docs: msg( f"django-migration-docs: Found {len(stale_docs)} stale" " migration doc(s). Docs updated automatically." ) for migration in stale_docs: migration.set_docs(prompt=False) # Delete old migrations if excess_docs: msg( f"django-migration-docs: Found docs for {len(excess_docs)}" " deleted migration(s). Docs were removed." ) migrations.prune_excess_docs() msg("django-migration-docs: Successfully synced migration docs.")
[docs]def update(migrations, msg=_pretty_msg): """ Update migration docs for specific migrations. Args: migrations (List[str]): A list of migration labels to update (e.g. users.0001_initial). msg (func): A message printer for showing messages to the user. """ migration_objs = Migrations() for migration in migrations: msg(f"{migration}:", fg="yellow") try: migration_objs[migration].set_docs() except KeyError: msg(f'Migration with label "{migration}" does not exist.', fg="red")
[docs]def check(msg=_pretty_msg): """ Check migration notes. Return False if any of the conditions hold true: - There are migrations without docs. - There are documented migrations that no longer exist. - There are stale migration docs. Args: msg (func): A message printer for showing messages to the user. Raises: bool: True when the migration docs are up to date, False otherwise. """ migrations = Migrations() missing_docs = migrations.filter_by_missing_docs() stale_docs = migrations.filter_by_stale_docs() excess_docs = migrations.excess_docs if missing_docs: msg( f"django-migration-docs: Found no docs for {len(missing_docs)}" " migration(s).", fg="red", ) if stale_docs: msg( f"django-migration-docs: Found {len(stale_docs)} stale" " migration doc(s).", fg="red", ) if excess_docs: msg( f"django-migration-docs: Found docs for {len(excess_docs)}" " deleted migration(s).", fg="red", ) if missing_docs or stale_docs or excess_docs: msg( 'django-migration-docs: Run " migration_docs sync" to' " fix errors.", fg="red", ) return False else: msg("django-migration-docs: Migration docs are up to date.") return True
[docs]def show(app_labels=None, unapplied=False, style="default"): """Shows migration docs to the user Args: app_labels (List[str]): App labels to limit the shown migrations to. unapplied (bool, default=False): Only show unapplied migrations. style (str, default='default'): The style to use when rendering. Corresponds to a Jinja template stored in ``.migration-docs/{style}_show.tpl``. Returns: str: The rendered migration list. """ migrations = Migrations() if app_labels: migrations = migrations.intersect("app_label", app_labels) if unapplied: migrations = migrations.filter("applied", False) env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(_get_migration_docs_file_root()), trim_blocks=True, ) template_file = "show.tpl" if style == "default" else f"show_{style}.tpl" try: template = env.get_template(template_file) except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: if style == "default": # Use the default migration template if the user didn't provide one template = jinja2.Template(DEFAULT_MIGRATION_TEMPLATE, trim_blocks=True) else: raise rendered = template.render(migrations=migrations, app_labels=app_labels, unapplied=unapplied) return rendered