Contributing Guide

This project was created using temple. For more information about temple, go to the Temple docs.


Set up your development environment with:

git clone
cd django-migration-docs
make setup

make setup will set up a development environment managed by Docker. Install docker here and be sure it is running when executing any of the commands below.

Testing and Validation

Run the tests on one Python version with:

make test

Run the full test suite against all supported Python versions with:

make full-test-suite

Validate the code with:

make lint

If your code fails the black check, automatically format your code with:

make format


This project uses git-tidy to produce structured commits with git trailers. Information from commit messages is used to generate release notes and bump the version properly.

To do a structured commit with git-tidy, do:

make tidy-commit

All commits in a pull request must be tidy commits that encapsulate a change. Ideally entire features or bug fixes are encapsulated in a single commit. Squash all of your commits into a tidy commit with:

make tidy-squash

To check if your commits pass linting, do:

make tidy-lint

Note, the above command lints every commit since branching from master. You can also run make shell and run git tidy commands inside the docker environment to do other flavors of git tidy commands.


Sphinx documentation can be built with:

make docs

The static HTML files are stored in the docs/_build/html directory. A shortcut for opening them (on OSX) is:

make open-docs

Releases and Versioning

Anything that is merged into the master branch will be automatically deployed to PyPI. Documentation will be published to a ReadTheDocs at

The following files will be generated and should not be edited by a user:

  • - Contains an automatically-generated change log for each release.

This project uses Semantic Versioning by analyzing Type: trailers on git commit messages (trailers are added when using git tidy-commit). In order to bump the minor version, use “feature” or “bug” as the type. In order to bump the major version, use “api-break”. The patch version will be updated automatically if none of these tags are present.